Cashmere Scarves

Scarves that last a lifetime.
The scarves from The Cosy Store excel in quality, in the use of natural materials and in timelessness. We do not work on the basis of trends, but expand our collection once in a while with new colors, an adjusted size or a new model. In this way we can continue to surprise our customers, while remaining true to what we are good at.

TIP: Scarves stay the best if you smooth the scarves with your hands after wearing them, then fold them neatly and store them in a drawer. This way the scarves stay in shape and some wearing wrinkles will automatically disappear from the scarves. The next time you want to wear your scarf, your scarf will be as new again!

C.O.S.Y by SjaalMania
Scarf Cosy Cashmy Coral
styled by hanneke tsujimaru
C.O.S.Y by SjaalMania Scarf 100% Cashmere Stars Cabernet
C.O.S.Y by SjaalMania
Scarf 100% Cashmere Stars Cabernet
C.O.S.Y by SjaalMania
Scarf Cosy Cashmy 100% Burgundy
C.O.S.Y by SjaalMania
Scarf Cosy Cashmy 100% Charcoal Melee
C.O.S.Y by SjaalMania
Scarf Cosy Cashmy Toasted Nut
C.O.S.Y by SjaalMania
Scarf Cosy Cashmy Baja Blue
C.O.S.Y by SjaalMania
Scarf Cosy Cashmy Super Pink
C.O.S.Y by SjaalMania
Scarf Cosy Cashmy Solid Black
C.O.S.Y by SjaalMania
Scarf Cosy Cashmy 100% Seagrass
C.O.S.Y by SjaalMania
Scarf Cosy Cashmy Bougainvillea
C.O.S.Y by SjaalMania
Scarf Cosy Cashmy Navigate
C.O.S.Y by SjaalMania
Scarf Cosy Cashmy Sky Captain
C.O.S.Y by SjaalMania
Cosy 100% cashmere Stars Biscuit
C.O.S.Y by SjaalMania
Scarf Cosy Cashmy Pale Peach
C.O.S.Y by SjaalMania
Scarf 100% Cashmere Stars Night Sky
C.O.S.Y by SjaalMania
Scarf Cosy Cashmy Lemon
C.O.S.Y by SjaalMania
Cosy 100% cashmere Stars Persian Jewel
C.O.S.Y by SjaalMania
Scarf 100% Cashmere Stars Black